
A Really Cool Lunchbreak Thought

These thoughts are inspired by John Piper from his book about God, "Desiring God".

How many times have you said, "I just don't know what God wants me to do for Him," or "All I want to do with my life is serve God,"?

Well, I would set before that God doesn't need you to DO anything for Him and that perhaps you are even going against God by serving Him.

Jesus said, "Whoever serves shall be great among you." Jesus served, and is the greatest, shall put God below Him? No!
Pray and ask God and He will give far more abundantly than we can even imagine! He wants to serve you. A patient isn't greater than his doctor, neither should he tell the doctor what should be prescribed to him. The beattitudes and the Ten Commandments are not ways that we can serve God, but are prescription for sick people to be made well.
Obviously, this is only part of the story and I each of us needs to follow God and do what He says, but always keeping in mind that it is not God who needs us to serve Him, but we who need Him.

1 comment:

sgreenjeans said...

Well, now that I look at this again it doesn't make anysense and is very badly written. So Sorry.