
Yellowstone Vacation - Water

"Water, water everywhere,
Not a drop to spare!!"
Maybe you've this little chant before. I don't know where it came from, but for Yellowstone National Park it's very appropriate. And you wouldn't believe the different forms of water. It comes in different colors and temperatures and with this mineral and that mineral and mixtures of minerals. The water there falls, squirts, sprays, bubbles, flows, sets, sits, stands, runs. It's purpose is to feed the animals and the people, to swim in (yes, they let people in the protected water), to fish in and to look at, paint, draw, photograph. We put pictures of that water on postcards, t-shirts, hats, calendars and... well, you get the idea.
I was amazed at how much water is there. I've been to Yellowstone 3 times and I'd go back tomorrow... if you paid for it. It's pretty, but expensive.
Anyway, about half way through the week I realized that all of our excursions were related to water. All of the hikes we did (and we did at least 10) were to go see water, except one which was to go see a "natural bridge".
Is there any spiritual application here? YES!! Do you really want to hear me tell you what it is? I won't answer that for you, but I will say:
I just finished reading John 4 which is the story of the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well who discovered that Jesus is the living water and if we drink of Him we will never again be thirsty.

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