
Yellowstone Vacation - First Post (The Horseback Trip)

(Note to the organized reader: These are not in chronological order, they're in order of... they're not really in any order, sorry)
Last week my family went on vacation, for a whole week, to Yellowstone National Park!! It was wonderful. Every vacation has good parts and bad parts and the good definitely out-weighed the bad this time. The weather was sunny on the days that we wanted it to be sunny and cloudy during our six-hour horseback ride and then it rained after we got in the car. :D God is so good!! His timing is perfect, in every way!!

Yes, we got to go on a six-hour horseback ride to a little lake in the mountains of Montana (not in the park) called Fawn Lake and the fish jumped in the middle of the day while we ate our lunch by a little tree. The three hours up were fun and I enjoyed the three hours back as well, but, thanks to Janel, I've done more horseback riding than anybody else. I must admit, was in pain at the end, but not near as bad or as long as my two older sisters. They're better now. :D
My horse was called "Little Britches". I'm not sure why he was called that. He was a beautiful bay and a lovely animal. Emily rode a palomino called "Buttermilk", Crystal a paint called "Dixie" and Michelle a white horse (technical term?) called "Concho". Our guide was a very skilled 17-year-old girl and there was no one else in the group. We were glad. When we got back to the ranch we still had two hours before Dad and Mom were going to come pick us up and none of our cellphones were working. We didn't want to just stay because we were in pain and there was nothing to do, so we began the long 7 mile walk, down the mountain roads, back to town. It was a nice walk, but if you're every on a walk in a back country place know what to do when a ferocious, over protective dogs looks like it's going to attack!!! Everybody out there has a dog and most of them run loose. Dad and Mom were surprised to see us, but glad because they didn't have to drive the van over the holey creek bridge. :D
We got in the car and about 5 minutes later it started raining.
The End (for now).


Anonymous said...

Fun--well, not the pain part, but you know what I mean!

Janel said...

Oh sara, That sounds like so much fun. I would probably be really sore too. It has been a couple of years since I rode.