
Sara-The (un)Masterful Potter!

Pottery class is ever so much FUN!!!!! Have you ever listened to someone else play music and just get goosebumps because it's so beautiful? Or heard someone sing, watched someone paint/draw and get so excited you could hardly hold still? If you've had this feeling (or if you haven't), try to understand that this was how I felt on Wednesday when my instructor was spinning his potter's wheel to demonstrate how to make a cylindar. It was a beautiful process!
Yesterday, I got to try to make one and it worked!!! I was elated! The bottom was too thin so I crushed it and will make it into something else on Monday. It is hard and it will take a lot of practice to get better, but what fun. (Interesting point about re-using clay, you can use a lump of soft clay upto three times).
There are some amazing connections between life, the Bible, and pottery. In Jeremiah 18 God takes Jeremiah to the potter's house and says, "O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel." (KJV)
But my favorite is the song based on Isaiah 64:8 "But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."

Now God our Father,
You are the Potter,
We are the work of your hands.
Mold us and make us,
Make us like Jesus,
We are the work of your hands.

Be glorified,
God of our lives,
Be glorified in us.
(Sorry, not sure who the author is, but the song is published by Marantha Music)

The potter is glorified by the finishing of the pot. A girl at schooled smiled when she told me, "I made a cup once, but it came out of the fire with holes in the bottom so I just put my pens and pencils in it."
I believe God is this way. He makes us just the way He wants us to be and when we come out of the fire He smiles no matter what because He can use however we are!


Janel said...

That is so encouraging Sara. God makes us exactly the way He wants us even if it doesn't really make sense to us He has a plan in the way we are.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I agree with Janel, it's so encouraging to know that God uses us no matter how many problems we still have! Yes, I do know that feeling yu're talking about when you hear some really good music, especially live, or see something particularly captivating! It's awesome. If only we could see every work God does in & through us that way!

Anonymous said...

I love just even watching potters after reading all God has to reference in the Scripture...it really is such a beautiful parrelel. (however that's spelled)

And I love that song too.