
short, sweet and to the point.

Do you ever wonder why all kinds of people will leave you comment for a really short post, but if you put time and effort into writing a really long post you can count yourself blessed if you can get even one person to comment?
I expect everyone who reads this to at least say "hi" in the comments section. :D


Liana said...

I know EXACLTY how you feel! I typically feel like no one even reads my blog at all because they never take the time to tell me they have. When I post deep philosophical or theological thoughts, no one comments. But when I write a blog that I am eating frozen blueberries in milk and they are turning my lips purple, people leave all kinds of amazing comments! :op

Anonymous said...


I know what you mean. It seems, sometimes, the more work I put into a perfectly-written gem, the fewer comments appear in proportion.

I console myself in the thought that people probably don't know what to say when they see perfection..... (???)

Anyway. Hi. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara!

To you {& Liana)~reading the philosophial posts are some of the most intersting, thought-provoking, & challenging to me personally. They give so much more deep, personal insight into what you've been thinking about. It's a very wonderful experience to be treated to such scholarly, thoughtful. In most cases, it truly does make sense, probably as a result of your trust in Christ & His sovreignity! Keep posting them, I like reading them!

Janel said...

I know what you mean Sara. However, I think that for me it is partly that my longer posts are more serious so people are less likely to say something....I don't know. It is just what I have observed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara! Don't give up on the long posts -- they are good to read even if they don't always require a response.

sgreenjeans said...

WOW!! Thanks everyone for commenting! I'll try to comment more often on all of y'alls spots too, or maybe I'll call you on the phone. Except of course anonymous... I suppose I could call some anonymous person and say, "hi, you've won a trip to hawaii because you commented on my blog!!" But then I'd sound stupid and I'd be lying.
Seriously though, thanks for the encouragement. :D