
Memory, Who?

I found this quiz under the MSN.com headline: "Will Tech Replace Memory? How Gadgets May End Memoraization."
Fellow Christian, what scripture are memorizing this week? Even spending 5 minutes a day devoted to scripture memory (though setting aside time can be challenging) is very beneficial.

At Awana I always ask my clubbers, "Who practiced their memory verses this week?" Last week I was amazed and delighted that all of my clubbers had practiced their verses! I started listening to verses one at a time and when I came to a particular clubber, who (at the age of only just 8) truly struggles to find time to practice, I asked, "Did you practice this week?" "Well, no?" came an unsure answer, "I did! Just in the car on the way." She said the last part fast and batted her eyelashes at me hoping to secure any form of praise or affection or even a twinge of smile. "That's good!" I smiled, "Even 5 minutes is better than none at all," She proceeded by quoting 4 long verses, word perfect, with only one help!! I had not signed this section for her for three weeks even though I'd only been giving her one extra help.

I would challenge each of us to spend some quality time with God's words by memorizing and meditating on a Bible verse this week. Try this one:

Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

Or this one:

Joshua 1:8 "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Or click HERE to choose a verse on "meditate".

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