
Time Travel... Could It Really Ever Happen?

"Time is subjective and relative, but it does exist. Time is real and is definitely affected by gravitational fields and velocity. One of the most fascinating implications of special relativity is that physical processes go slower in objects when they travel at high speeds. Time would actually expand for the person who could somehow travel close to the speed of light (something like 99.9% the speed of light). Because of this a two month there-and-back to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy (made possible by velocities a little closer to the speed of light) would be a journey of 54,000 light-years to earthling. The space-time travelers would return after only two months to an earth 60,000 years older.
This illustration is particularly interesting when connected with 2 Peter 3:8: "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." In this relativity example, one day with the space traveler is the equivalent of 1,000 years on earth. But God isn't limited as we are to one time framework or the other. The thing that is so mysterious is how God can move through both frameworks at once.
If the space travelers could travel at the speed of light, theoretically, time would stand still. No one really knows what would happen if someone could travel at the speed of light, but the implications of such an idea for time, teleportation, and the universe are astounding.
The idea of man traveling at such high speeds isn't as far fetched as many would think. Reid shows that "if man continues increasing the speed at which he can travel at the same rate as in the past, he will be able to reach the speed of light by the year 2018." (this was stated a number of years ago and the year would have to be recalculated, but it is still possible)."
From God, I Don't Understand By Kenneth Boa originally published in 1975, updated and republished in 2007.
I also think it is interesting to go along with the 2 Peter 3:8 reference that the Lord God refers to Himself as the Light (especially in John 1) which is the speed one must travel to attain such relative time. Also, the Psalmists talk of walking in the light saying, "The Lord is my light and my salvation." (Psalm 27:1) and "With you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." (Psalm 36:9). Wow! That is so cool!! Hm... ever wonder if the Bible is scientifically accurate? :P


Liana said...

That is really cool! The concept of the time/space continuum is really fascinating. Honestly, I don't ever see time travel taking place for the very reason that we as humans were made to be restricted by time. It is part of what separates us from God. Great food for though! And you're right--it does sound just like a conversation I would have with Michael :op

Janel said...

That is a really neat thought Sara, it is good to think about things like that.