
Itty bitty update on... me :D

Here it comes!! My last quarter as a student at Green River Community College of Auburn, Washington starts tomorrow. I have this idea that I might jump up and down everyday of every school day this quarter! I'm almost done, almost done, almost. Don't jump ahead of yourself, keep on the track. AAHHH! But it's almost over! Huzzah! :D
In case you were wondering I'm taking: Math for Elementary Teachers, Child Development (online), and pottery. Should be a fun quarter. :D I'm almost done, nearly finished. I think I can, I think I can. Smiles!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun...on all counts! (mostly) fun classes...and (very) fun LAST quarter.

Janel said...

I'm excited for you. I know exactly how you feel. I just have my co-op class and math class. That is just 8 credits and I'm done at WCC.

sgreenjeans said...

Well, it's going to be even more fun now than before because I switched the Child Development out for Business 101, which should be better. The Child Develop. class is about 0-5 year olds and I'm just not perfectly interested in knowing more particulars than necessary about that particular age group.
Janel, Congratulations to you too! Huzzah!

Liana said...

I TOTALLY understand that feeling, babe! Congratulations! I'm happy for you and proud of you for keeping on keeping on! You go girlie!! :o)